*Dr. Nicholas Bal at "GREAT LAKES DENTAL CARE" Call us directly: 905-469-6072

3420 Rebecca St., Oakville, Ont.

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Children’s Dentistry

At Lakeshore Woods Dental we love kids. Here are some tips to make a child’s visits more pleasant for everyone.

Have your kid’s first exam done before they have any pain.
  • Like the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, we recommend a child’s first dental visit by the age of 1.
  • If a child sees us for the first time on an emergency basis, it may be more difficult to get the work done.
Don’t over-emphasize the dental appointment to the child.
  • Don’t say “it won’t hurt” – maybe they didn’t think it would!
  • Children shouldn’t be told we won’t be giving them a needle. If it turns out we need to, we will have to rebook the appointment. We don’t want to appear dishonest to your children.
Consider leaving your child alone in the chair.
  • Kids are often a lot more brave than we think, and they are usually more brave when the parents are away.
  • If more than one authority figure is present (parent and staff), they may not respond well to us.
  • If a child doesn’t respond to Dr. Bal, Mom or Dad may be asked to leave.
Most of all, help your child develop good oral hygiene habits.
  • Parents should help their kids brush at least one of the two, two-minute brushings per day.
  • Use a non-fluoridated toothpaste until your child can spit and not swallow after use.
  • Once they spit use only a small amount of fluoride toothpaste (less than the size of a pea).
  • Introduce flossing before the teeth are in contact so it becomes routine.

Be sure to direct any questions to our team.